The Altar Society was established in 1899 and reorganized in 1940. The patroness of the society is St. Ann, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The society promotes love of God, charity, and family life rooted in Christ. Society members care for the altars, linens, sacristy, candles and sanctuary items as needed. Meetings are held 3 times per year and dues are $5 per year. Contact the parish office at (979) 732-3430 for more information.
The meeting was called to order by Lucy Markwardt.
In attendance were Lucy Markwardt, Janet Glaser, Janie Schmidt, Eudene Richter, Elizabeth Payne, Margaret Moore, and Fr. Bob Knippenberg.
Janet read the minutes of the last meeting on September 19, 2024. The minutes were approved as corrected.
The treasury has an ending balance of $3752.41.
Income was a $100 donation from the Bernice Warschak family. Total expenses were $2644.71.
Expenses of $2339.89 were paid to Sts. Peter & Paul to reimburse the church for hosts and candles purchased from Sacco. $104.82 was paid to Country Fresh Cleaners for cassock cleaning. $200 was donated to the Diocese of Victoria's Endowment Fund for the birthday and ordination anniversary of Fr. Bob.
Report from the Cheer Group:
Mary Jane sent Get Well cards to:
October--Virginia Faldyn, Dianne Seidel, Diane Poenitzsch and Jo Carol Busch
November-- John Poenitzsch and Leigh Ann Brune
December--Carol Gingelmann, Frances Schaefer, Shirley Shupak, Mary Karstadt, Ashley Glueck, Laura Kulhanek, and Deacon Doug Tromblee
Elizabeth visited Frances Shula.
Nancy Nelson gave a list of Fish Fry Dessert groups to Lucy. However, Group 1 for 2025 was the same group as in 2024. Lucy will ask Nancy to re-do the list. Group 1 in 2024 should become Group 6 in 2025, and Group 2 in 2024 should become Group 1, etc. Fr. Bob offered to bake Poppy Seed cakes for the Fish Fry. Fish Fry Fridays will be March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4 and 11.
The next meeting will be April 10, 2025.
The door prize winner was Eudene.
Fr. Bob closed the meeting with a prayer and blessing.
After the meeting, Lucy presented Fr. Bob with a poppyseed cake for his birthday. We sang to him and he blew out a candle. We all enjoyed a slice!
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Glaser
Lucy Markwardt
Janet Glaser